You know you’re ready when the plants start calling to you.

There’s a voice in your head and a feeling in your heart that there has to be a better way than running to the doctor for every little thing, and being given a prescription with side effects that may cause more damage than good. You’ve watched loved ones suffer, and have heard them say that there’s nothing the doctors can do but give them something to mask the symptoms of their disease.
You want to thrive, not just survive in this toxic world.

Perhaps you remember an uncle, or a grandmother, or a neighbor who would pick the plants in their yard and use them to heal cuts, insect bites, colds, or the flu. Was it that documentary you watched on Chinese or Ayurvedic medicine?

Wherever you come from, and wherever you are now, I would like to encourage you to step on that path and let it lead you where it will!

You may be misunderstood by those around you, even your nearest and dearest ones., as you step away from the synthetic mainstream lifestyle pushed on us by the media, and into a gentler, more natural way of living. They may call you a “hippie” or a -gasp!- “tree hugger!” They are walking their own path, and you must find peace with that in your heart. We are not all called to the same path, and that’s okay. You may be surprised the day they come to you asking for health advice!

Walking the Path of Natural Healing is a life-long journey, and you must become a life-long student in order to absorb all that you need to know. Do not be in a rush to learn everything at once, give yourself time to learn one or two new ideas a week, and keep a journal of your discoveries to help you retain it all.

Get a few good books (Rosemary Gladstar is a favourite) and really dig in. There are many online courses available, and YouTube has a plethora of free knowledge graciously shared by wise teachers. My personal favorite medicine is the weeds and trees that grow in my area. They are truly my friends in need.

May you find joy in your journey and kindred spirits along the way, to encourage you as you walk this path.

Blessings to you,