Hello, friends!
Sorry for being missing in action for so long- We’re still trying to work the bugs out of the website! Summer is almost over, after months of heat and humidity. This year has been unusually dry for Missouri, so much of our time was spent keeping the gardens and animals watered. We did take a little time to enjoy being out in nature, including the trails at Alley Mill, near Eminence, Missouri. The water from the spring was so blue!

Watch out for poison ivy before you hug that tree!
Jewelweed is blooming now, making it easy to identify. Jewelweed is the antidote for the rash from poison ivy. You can make a spit poultice with it (simply chew the leaves and apply to the rash) or make an infused vinegar ahead of time and keep in a spray bottle to treat rashes and insect bites.

Wild hydrangea is another good native medicinal plant that grows in the area. It can be used for kidney stones that are passing, to soften them up.

I hope your late summer was a wonderful one, with time spent in nature, enjoying her healing presence.
Love and blessings,