It is late March in the Ozarks of Missouri. Many birds have returned from their winter migration, and it is lovely to hear their springtime songs. The spring peepers sing loudly in all the ponds, while the temperature goes up and down on the thermometer.

The earliest flowers are already opening: daffodils, hyacinths, red maples, star magnolias, Bradford pears, plums, and cherries can easily be seen.

Not so easily seen are the tiny flowers of speedwell, dead nettle, ground ivy, henbit, hairy bittercress, and a few dandelions in the grass. All of these plants are wonderful to harvest and use in teas, vinegars, blender drinks, or salads for their blood cleansing benefits.

They can be dried in a dehydrator or hung upside down in small bundles. You can also run them through the blender with a little water and freeze them in small batches to use later. These can be added to soups, smoothies, or baked goods. Always be sure to only try a small amount of any food that your body is not used to eating.

Happy Spring! Love, Marqueta
Wonderful! So excited for your new blog! ????